
Passion Spa the Relax

With three bucket seats and two loungers, the Relax Spa is an optimal choice for spending time with family and friends. The loungers have been designed to provide additional lumber support. Also the loungers have different heights to accommodate  individuals of various lengths, making it comfortable for everyone to use. Adjustable jets allow you to control the intensity of your hydrotherapy experience. The Relax also features an Ozone Sanitation System for exceptional water quality.

  • Dimensions: 204 x 204 x 85cm
  • 5 Seats including 2 Loungers
  • 30 All-Active Hydrotherapy Jets
  • 6 Air Jets
  • Starbrite Interior LED Lighting
  • Waterfall with LED
  • Ozone System
  • Energy Efficient Filtration Pump
  • Hybrid Heating
  • Deluxe Insulated Cover
  • Water Capacity: 1300lt
  • Dry Weight: 275kg


Passion Spas Test Facility

We here have our passion spa’s on display and invite customers to test our spa’s to have new innovative features in the future. So we value the customer imput to have our spa’s modified and optimized on the customer feedback. It is that imput that has Passion Spas such an exciting spa on a world wide global basis.

Why Passion Spas? You will find out in a few minutes

Passion Spas is a world leader in the building of high quality spas.With manufacturing and distribution centers in America and Europe,Passion Spas is at the forefront of world-class spa development and production.For nearly thirty years, Passion Spas has been engineering and manufacturingspas known for exceptional innovation and superior design. We know that you expect quality and performance in your spa, but ourexperience tells us that you desire a spa that is reliable, easy to maintain, andinexpensive to operate. After all, you want your spa to enhance your lifestyle,not complicate it. Passion Spas are sold through select dealers whose experience and commitmentto quality and service matches our own. We listen to our customers, and theinput we receive is used to further improve the quality and performance ofour spas.

Professional Design

At Passion Spas, designing great spas is our specialty and our passion.We go to great lengths to ensure that every detail of the spa contributesto your comfort and creates the ultimate relaxation experience.The pleasing lines of the spa shell are both attractive and functional,providing strategic locations for lighting, jets, and features. Controls arewithin easy reach, seat contours and depths provide maximum comfort,and there are a variety of seating options in each spa for your enjoyment.Soft air massage, LED lighting, and aromatherapy are only someof the features we include to enhance your spa experience.Your Passion Spa is a work of art designed to deliver functional beautyto your home or backyard.


Physical Therapy

Passion Spas are complimented with an array of massage jetsthat allow you to create and control the type of massage therapyyou desire. There are jets that pulsate, rotate, and provide directpressure where you need it. Jets are adjustable and directional andare recessed into the spa shell for maximum comfort. Our exclusiveAqua Rolling Massage™ pushes water up the back of the seat through specially designedrecesses in the spa shell. The result is a vigorousmassage that works the muscles throughout your back. Whether yousimply want to relax or require relief from pain or stress, each PassionSpa has a variety of massage features that will create the ultimate inhydrotherapy relief for you.

Perfect Water

Passion Spas are equipped with a multi-faceted waterpurification system that helps keep your water crystal clearand reduces the need for additional water sanitation andmaintenance. The sole purpose of our dedicated filtration pumpis to draw water through the spa filter, insuring that your spawater is constantly being filtered regardless of whether themassage pumps are operating. The water is sanitized by meansof our highly effective Ozone System and, in our Signature andExclusive Collections, further purified with our UV sanitationsystem. The combination of 100% filtration, ozone sanitationand UV purification creates our Synergy Ultra Pure waterpurification system that creates the ultimate in clear water.


Planet Friendly

While you are enjoying your Passion Spa, you are being agood steward of both your budget and the environment.Passion Spas are designed to reduce energy consumptionthrough a variety of innovative features. Dual Sourceheating technology supplements the heat produced by theelectric heater. Specially designed massage pumps agitatethe water molecules through friction, which generates heat,thereby easing energy consumption by the heater.Our programmable controls allow you to set the times whenyour spa will turn on and off, and the low-wattage filtrationpump uses only a small amount of electricity to keep yourwater sparkling clean. Triple layer insulation, extra thickwalk-on safety cover and Everlast™ floor support shroudyour Passion Spa with one of the most effective heatcontainment designs available.


Precision Engineering

Passion Spas are designed to perform and built to last. Qualitycomponents and precise manufacturing combine to create one of themost fully featured and innovative spas available. Our acrylic shell isreinforced with vinyl-ester resin laminates that are applied by hand.The shell is supported by a durable synthetic support structure thatwill ensure that you can enjoy your spa for years to come. The entirebase of the spa is enclosed with our Everlast synthetic floor support,providing integral seat supports and structural integrity. Passion Spasdeliver superior design, quality components, and experiencedcraftsmanship in a spa that will provide you and your family withyears of enjoyment.


Protection for You

At Passion Spas, we build great spas and value long-termrelationships. We want you happy with your spa today,tomorrow and in the future. Our experience in the spabusiness allows us to design and build great spas, using onlythe best components, and backing our spas with exceptionalsupport to our dealers. To that end we select dealers whoshare our commitment to customer relationships. We thenwork with our dealers to provide the support they need beforeand after the sale. Enjoy your Passion Spa knowing that wewill be here with the expertise, experience and dedicationneeded to support you in the years to come.
